How do chemists classify matter?
All in Lesson Plans
Density is a very important concept in many fields of science. How can this topic be presented to students to allow for true understanding, and at the same time excitement. This hands on activity involves very few supplies, is safe, and is guaranteed to hit the mark with your classes.
Many physics teachers use a lesson on distance and displacement to introduce vector quantities. Learning this lesson well is an important first step to mastering physics.
Problem solving is an important skill. Probably more important now then it has ever been. How can we make our classrooms, environments that foster the development of this skill for students?
Taking careful measurements is one of the most important skills for a chemistry student to master. This skill requires an understanding of various measurements, including; mass, volume, and weight.
Studying a topic like chemistry involves the student to be able to imagine and picture a world their senses can usually not detect. Making connections between the macroscopic world and this unseen world can help immensely in comprehension and enjoyment of the subject matter,
Paint 3D is an excellent resource for creating quality images for lessons, assignments and student projects.
Depending upon how you approach it, learning chemistry can be exciting and eye-opening, or frustrating and confusing. Here are some tips to help make the experience of learning chemistry enjoyable.